NEW Beautiful NZ AGATES for sale

ARAMAX COURIER FOR 2m WINDSTICKS from $22 (for non rural)

About Us

During my family childhood in Christchurch New Zealand, I was surrounded by many birds and other animals which influenced my design of Windsticks especially those with river stones that enable birds to feed and humans to enjoy watching.


Inventor of Windsticks
This is me in the Galapagos Islands, taking photos of the birds (in 40 degree heat). - Did you notice the Galapagos flycatcher bird happily posing in my lens hood? He followed me everywhere for hours... refusing to leave my lens hood and at one stage even sitting on my arm! All my life I have loved animals. And they seem to like me also.
When I was a child in Christchurch New Zealand, our home was an sanctuary for injured animals. Over the years we had Magpies, a Penguin, Hawk, Shag, Pigeon, Pūkeko, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, a Galah, Ducks, a cat, a Fox Terrier, along with two very large Great Danes. ...lucky not all at the same time (though at any given time we always had two Great Danes, a fox terrier, a cat, a parrot or two plus a few injured animals). This is where I learned to care for animals. Some animals would stay a for short time until they were healed. Some would stay for life (like our one legged magpie). I created Windsticks for my love of birds and as a wonderful way to feed small birds, allowing them feed safely, out of reach from cats and dogs and larger birds, whilst bringing joy to those who watch. Resulting in a sculpture that moves either from the wind or from the birds

My Penguin and I

This is a photo is me aged 7 years old with our little Penguin. The photo was taken by the Press Newspaper for the article they wrote about us. We found the Little Blue Penguin on Waikuku Beach with a broken wing. He could not swim, therefore he could not feed himself. The Wildlife Sanctuaries and Vets in Christchurch knew us and how we cared for injured animals so we were allowed to look after him until he recovered. I remember how he would follow me around after school each day. And how our other animals (dogs, cat, birds) made friends with him.
My job after school every day was to walk to Independent Fisheries and collect the bucket of alive fishes that they kept from their daily catch for our little friend. Not any fish would do - he would only eat the fish if they were still alive and still swimming! If they were not swimming he would not touch them. He kept us pretty busy looking after him. But I just loved having him around and to this day whenever I see a penguin I always think of him.

Pick Up

Sydenham, Christchurch. Arrange click and collect day and time. Select pick up when ordering. Full address is given out after ordering.
Milton Street Sydenham Full address is given out after ordering
Open By Appointment Only
7:00 AM — 6:00 PM